Minera Alamos

Revolutionizing mining through modern design

Project Scope

Mining Redesigned


In 2023 and 2024, Minera Alamos, a mining company with projects in Mexico, collaborated with our design team for their banner design at the PDAC Mining Conference in Toronto. Our partnership allowed us to update their presentation from a darker palette to a light, clean, and minimal style, reflecting their goals and vision. We carefully redesigned their maps to enhance engagement and creatively presented their information. Through close collaboration, we ensured that the design met Minera Alamos' objectives.

Goals for Design Transformation

Our main goal was to update Minera Alamos' presentation with a lighter and more modern design, while staying true to their original content. We carefully crafted designs to showcase their growth models, foundational principles, and financial achievements in an engaging way. Instead of their usual grey, gold, and red colors, we introduced a vibrant orange to add energy to the design. We also switched the background from dark grey to white for a cleaner look.

Additionally, we redesigned their maps to be lighter and more visually appealing by removing borders. At the same time, we worked on creating eye-catching banners for the PDAC Mining Conference to ensure they grabbed attention and effectively communicated Minera Alamos' message. Through close collaboration and attention to detail, our goal was to deliver a presentation that effectively communicates Minera Alamos' growth trajectory and financial success, while resonating with their audience.

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